Democrats and Republicans are more similar than you'd think:
There is an interesting word in which this post will attempt to define; that word is formally known as HEGEMONY
What Republicans want is control: Control for Republicans starts with telling you they're the real Americans; the problem with Republican real Americans is that their skin is as white as their teeth; their women are as fat as Wall-Street; their conservative spending habits include going to war and increasing the national debt; the national debt is the thing young people have to pay once the rich old republicans die.
What Democrats want is power: Power for democrats means deciding how you should spend the money you earn; this includes paying for other peoples health care and not legalizing marijuana; this means shooting Bin-Laden, but not pulling out of Iraq; this means saying they're for LGBT rights, but not passing legislation; all in all this means increasing the national debt and knowing America isn't their problem after they die.
In the end control and power mean the same thing Hegemony; the easiest way to gain either power or control is to run for elected office in The United States of America; the problem with exercising either control or power is it costs money.
The majority of young people don't vote; the majority of old-people do vote; that is why all politicians both Democrats and Republicans increase the national-debt because that means spending the money of people who will never vote for them in their life time!
All Politicians are self-fish for VOTES!

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