We're not special are we?
I often think about life and wonder about purpose.
Everywhere I look people seem to have a purpose; young people are looking for an occupation; old people are looking to get rid of an occupation; and the middle-aged are looking to get a new occupation because of the boring nature of their current job.
I sometimes wonder what makes society go round and round; after a long pondering I've come up with an unfortunate truth; money is the only thing that people around me live for...
There are the religious, of course; but even those people seem to love money, they collect it every Sunday...
The one thing people seem to forget is death; everyone I know is going to die; god willing, they will not die for a very long time; nonetheless nobody seems concerned with the afterlife; sure they may be concerned with heaven or hell, but they are not concerned with what happens to generations to come.
No one seems to care what happens 1000 years after they die.
It makes me wonder how truly selfish each and every one of us is...
Sure you want to get rich, die, and leave plenty of money for your family, but what about after that...
What happens when life runs out for humanity; what will be the fate of the last generation?
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