Thursday, June 7, 2012

Gender:_Confusion: Sex-Y

The problem with F-e-mi-n-is-m is that it says men of all races, sexes and creeds should conform to middle-class, religious, women; check out how well this worked for people of color in the modern Civil-Rights movement. 


I am under 25 years old and one thing I can say is that I have never met a women that I could not charm; I exercise all the time; I eat right as often as possible; I brush my teeth three times a day; I wash my face to avoid pimples: All in all I try to be as healthy as there is time in the day.

I also avoid doing anything that women and middle-class moms tell me to do; I don't comb my hair after showering, but I do use a blow-dryer; I don't wear make-up of any kind, but I do cut my hair short; I don't wash my hands after eating greasy food, but I do after leaving the gross public restrooms in the world. 

Truth:(Well, maybe; because I'll never tell ): I'm a young, straight, white, male and real equality only begins when everyone stops trying to be like me and just starts trying to be similar to me; that is to say cool!

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