Sunday, June 10, 2012

Morality: Why?: Why not?

We're not special are we?

I often think about life and wonder about purpose. 

Everywhere I look people seem to have a purpose; young people are looking for an occupation; old people are looking to get rid of an occupation; and the middle-aged are looking to get a new occupation because of the boring nature of their current job. 

I sometimes wonder what makes society go round and round; after a long pondering I've come up with an unfortunate truth; money is the only thing that people around me live for...

There are the religious, of course; but even those people seem to love money, they collect it every Sunday...

The one thing people seem to forget is death; everyone I know is going to die; god willing, they will not die for a very long time; nonetheless nobody seems concerned with the afterlife; sure they may be concerned with heaven or hell, but they are not concerned with what happens to generations to come.

No one seems to care what happens 1000 years after they die.

It makes me wonder how truly selfish each and every one of us is...

Sure you want to get rich, die, and leave plenty of money for your family, but what about after that...

What happens when life runs out for humanity; what will be the fate of the last generation?

Politics: Who cares?

Election 2012

I know this is an election year and I am, as a young person, supposed to be concerned with who wins; I know in 2008 I certainly believed in change, but to be honest with you, I haven't found anything to believe in the past four years.

Sure; I am happy that my health-care got extended until the age of 26; though I'd have enjoyed seeing a little more regulation of business and a little less regulation of people; I'd be happier with a leader that listened a little less to politicians and a little more to people; I thought I had that, but instead all I know is that someone is in the White-House, I'm told he is a Democrat, he might be a conservative, but I hope, given four-more-years, he will become a leader...

To Everyone: I'd suggest, lets have, a little, faith...

Friday, June 8, 2012


Prometheus directed by Ridley Scott
(Spoiler-Free: May-Bee); designed for fans of Sci-Fi

Just got done #soloing the movie Prometheus and thought Id make an Artistic, minimal spoiler, review and preview.

What if: 
  • Allegory on the Greek Titan (Proto-god) Prometheus; of course. 
  • If humanity achieved Immortality; then the only goal would be to invent a Monster to commit suicide.
  • Emotion is necessary for life; there must be an irrational reason to live; Love!
  • Technology should replace ancient religions.
  • The monster in the Alien movies is the Grim Reaper; an intelligently designed Death!
  • If free-will is real; then belief or disbelief is the only choice humans have...
  • Morals:
    • Fund NASA instead of privatized space exploration...
    • Never trust people who display ritualistic behavior; Artificial Intelligence
    • Ancient religions are regressive; designed to deceive humans by #Ancient_Astronauts
  • Imaginary, real-life, back-story of film:
    • A retake on the film Alien; as opposed to a remake
    • So many unanswered questions; the script probably looked like James Cameron's mind.
    • Similar to the film Twilight; the sequels quality will depend on which characters are allowed to reprise their roles. 
  • Suggests the human-individual soul is imaginary
  • Seems to suggest Artificial Life would always despise its creator...
  • Seems to suggest Artificial Intelligence should not be designed to replicate human emotions
  • Charlize Theron looks to replace Sigourney Weavers character from the Alien films
  • Noomi Rapace gives another wonderful performance and far out shines the stale two-dimensional portrayals given by Theron and Michael Fassbender's (David)
    • Fassbender's character David is a thinly veiled Allegory of David and Goliath

Reminder; if Noomi Rapace is looking for a new husband; I'm available...



Agnosticism is more logical than Atheism

I imagine god looks similar to Lady Gaga; that is to say he/she sounds beautiful, but I'm not exactly sure what it looks like...

-ism is a suffix that in modern use indicates belief in an ideal; Capitalism; Communism; etc.

The logical problem with any societal belief, such as Communism or Capitalism, is, like with all beliefs, no one can practically prove that an ideal is real!

Logicians often find religious beliefs deleterious to progress, I do not; simple belief in an afterlife, given a logical mind, can have no bearing on mortal decisions.

Immortality; the belief that life is everlasting is not a uniquely religious belief...

Logic would contend this based on the Theory of the infinite nature of the Universe(s) proposed by some physicists (Scientists); if life exists on earth and the universe is infinite probability nearly necessitates intelligent life on other planets; perhaps even god-like life. 

Remember; while starring at a wooden, non-electric, calculator Arthur C. Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."  

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Health:-Y and Fat? I don't think so...

The Science of Entropy: Chaos

Eating is bad for you; I am not trying to be facetious either; literally the longest lived organisms on earth, trees, do not eat; as we all know trees make food through what is called photosynthesis; photosynthesis is a process where plants turn sunlight into sugar and then they consume, eat, sugar to supply themselves with energy.

One reason trees live so long is that they do not introduce as many free-radicals into their systems like humans do; so as humans we must ask what can we do to live a very long time; the answer is simple eat less.

People often wonder why the French and Italian people live so long even though their diets consist of so much fat; even in mobster movies, like the Godfather, Marlon Brando is an old  fat man; even Rush Limbaugh is fat, but somehow he is healthy enough to stay on the radio. 

Thusly, the most simple answer to living longer is eating less; if you are a vegetarian, instead of eating endless amounts of pasta, eat a little bit of pasta with a lot of olive oil; if you love milk, drink a little bit of butter milk instead of a lot of skim milk; in essence to improve health eat things with more calories, but eat less of them.

Would you rather look like a movie/athletic star or a body builder?

Remember; less is always more; don't worry about cholesterol from too many egg yolks, worry about clogged arteries from too many steaks...


What's wrong with wanting to be like wealthy White People?

So called freedom writers (Politicians) say that America should not be a melting pot
they prefer to have their salads-tossed

The American Dream is a concept that most people no longer understand. 

The American Dream has nothing to do with money, getting rich; the American Dream is about becoming wealthy; becoming wealthy means having enough money to do work that is fun. 

Jay-Z; Eminem; Tiger Woods; Hope Solo; Barack Obama (I hope); and Bill Maher(Best Political Commentator) all have one thing in common; they make money doing what they love; Jay-Z and Eminem have fun being musicians; Tiger Woods and Hope Solo have fun being an athletes; and Barack Obama and Bill Maher have fun telling other people what to do (though it's probably not fun when people don't listen to them...); in essence all happy people are Artists or Craftsman

Humans were never designed to be multitaskers; if we're Gay we're gay; and yeah gay can still be happy; in my heart (Love), everyone should be GAY!

Am I gay you ask?

Well my heart is, I answer.

Sports: Basketball: Lebron vs. Michael: Immaturity

Until Lebron James grows up he'll never be Clutch

Michael Jordan: Young people don't know a lot about Jordan other than he makes awesome shoes; I agree Jordan's and Retro Jordan's are the only shoes that touch my precious feet.

However what made Jordan great is the same thing that guarantees Tiger Woods will become the NO. 1 ranked player in the world again someday; repetition.

Repetition;  a word that in the modern world is synonymous (the same) as greatness.

In the game of Professional (this is true for all professions, even scrubbing toilets) Basketball becoming a professional just means a man or women practices way more than the average player.

Stars, like Jordan and Tiger, have talent, are artists, and they practice more than anyone else; not just more than the average professional, but literally practice more than anyone else who plays their sport.

In Basketball what made Jordan great was not his Blake Griffin Dunks or his Ray Allen 3s; what made Jordan great was his Michael Jordan Mid-Range game; the mid-range game, in general, is any non-free-throw shot that is shorter than a 3-pointer, but longer than a lay-up.

Michael Jordan was the master of the mid-range game and that's what made him great; Jordan did not make clutch 3-pointers to win games like Kobe Bryant; Michael Jordan made clutch 18-footers to win championships; and the truth is Michael was not lucky; Michael hit far too many game-winners to be lucky; like Tiger Woods chipping in on the 16th hole of the 2005 Masters tournament; Michael put in so many repetions, practicing hitting those mid-range shots, that at the end of the game making that shot, like Tiger sinking that putt, was pure instinct.

Lebron James needs to hit the hardwood when the game isn't going on and practice till his god-given natural talents become instinctual: And to whoever is reading this post; whatever job you want in life; Practice, put in the reps until you become the best at whatever you want to be...

Politics: Democrats and Republicans

Democrats and Republicans are more similar than you'd think:

There is an interesting word in which this post will attempt to define; that word is formally known as HEGEMONY

What Republicans want is control: Control for Republicans starts with telling you they're the real Americans; the problem with Republican real Americans is that their skin is as white as their teeth; their women are as fat as Wall-Street; their conservative spending habits include going to war and increasing the national debt; the national debt is the thing young people have to pay once the rich old republicans die. 

What Democrats want is power:  Power for democrats means deciding how you should spend the money you earn; this includes paying for other peoples health care and not legalizing marijuana; this means shooting Bin-Laden, but not pulling out of Iraq; this means saying they're for LGBT rights, but not passing legislation; all in all this means increasing the national debt and knowing America isn't their problem after they die.

In the end control and power mean the same thing Hegemony; the easiest way to gain either power or control is to run for elected office in The United States of America; the problem with exercising either control or power is it costs money.

The majority of young people don't vote; the majority of old-people do vote; that is why all politicians both Democrats and Republicans increase the national-debt because that means spending the money of people who will never vote for them in their life time!

All Politicians are self-fish for VOTES!



Gender:_Confusion: Sex-Y

The problem with F-e-mi-n-is-m is that it says men of all races, sexes and creeds should conform to middle-class, religious, women; check out how well this worked for people of color in the modern Civil-Rights movement. 


I am under 25 years old and one thing I can say is that I have never met a women that I could not charm; I exercise all the time; I eat right as often as possible; I brush my teeth three times a day; I wash my face to avoid pimples: All in all I try to be as healthy as there is time in the day.

I also avoid doing anything that women and middle-class moms tell me to do; I don't comb my hair after showering, but I do use a blow-dryer; I don't wear make-up of any kind, but I do cut my hair short; I don't wash my hands after eating greasy food, but I do after leaving the gross public restrooms in the world. 

Truth:(Well, maybe; because I'll never tell ): I'm a young, straight, white, male and real equality only begins when everyone stops trying to be like me and just starts trying to be similar to me; that is to say cool!